I was honored to be able to do this interview..Thank you R.K. You Rock!
1. Do you enjoy writing?
I love it! It is my passion, and I feel so lucky that I
get to devote more time to it now.
2. Does it take long for you to
come up with these stories?
No. It takes some time to write them, but I have
so many stories already in my head that have just been waiting to get out. I’d say it’s more about finding the time to
do it!
3. Is that you on the cover of
the In Flight Series?
That is not me, but I think
it’s so funny that I get asked that!
That rumor has been consistent, and it doesn’t help that my husband
still says that he thinks it’s me...
4. Will there be more Mr.
You will see a lot of Mr.
Beautiful throughout the Bad Things series, and there will be a book from
James/Stephan’s POV!
5. Are you a Sub or Dom in bed?
It rhymes with club:)
6. What do you do to keep in
I try to work out every day,
but it is a challenge, as family and work dominate most of my time.
7. Did you find “your” Mr.
Beautiful while being a flight attendant?
I did not! I was already engaged when I became a flight
attendant, but it is a fun fantasy.
8. Who would you choose to play
James and Bianca in a movie?
I like Travis Fimmel for
James. He’d need a slight makeover, but
I love his eyes, his acting, and the way his face can go from pretty to mean in
a heartbeat. For Bianca, I could wish
that the cover model for books 2&3 could act...because that is just how I
picture her.
9. Is James based off someone
you know, or is he just an image in your mind?His looks are mostly imagination,
though his coloring is based off someone I knew when I was a kid. The outrageous things that come out of his
mouth are definitely inspired by my husband.
10. What/who is your perfect
I don’t have one, unless you
count Mr. Beautiful, who I invented, but the two most important things are that
he be funny, and awesome in bed. Really
can’t ask for more than that haha;)
11. What’s your favorite
Chocolate covered fruit in
general is just a win. Can’t go wrong
with that.
12. Did you research the BDSM?
And do you like it?
I did research, and a lot of
that has been picking the brains of close people in my life who are involved in
the scene. I find it fascinating, and
although I am not immersed in that lifestyle, I’m definitely drawn to it.
13. Are you a vegetarian?
I am not. It’s funny that you ask, though, because I
was from about the age of 15-30. I find
that I have more energy now that I eat meat.
14. Will there be any more spin
off’s from the In Flight Series?
will be the Bad Things series, which will be either 2 or 3 books, and can work
as a standalone series, but also compliments the Up in the Air trilogy. Next will be a book from James/Stephan’s POV,
though I do not have a time frame yet on when that will be released. After that, I can’t say for sure. Those are the only ones I’m absolutely
certain I will write.
15. Will you be writing any more
erotica books?
Absolutely! Lots more.
I would classify my books as erotic romance, because there will always
be a love story in it for me. That’s what
it’s all about.
16. What’s your favorite genre?
I’ll pick my favorite
three... Erotic romance, fantasy, and paranormal.
17. Who’s your favorite author?
I could never pick just
one. I’ve read so many genres and
authors since I was young, that it’s hard to narrow it down to even three for
me, but here are the three I’m most excited about right now, representing my
three favorite genres: George R. R. Martin, Raine Miller, and Ilona Andrews.
18. What inspires you to write?
Everything. I find that traveling or immersing myself in
nature are the two biggest things that inspire me in general. I come back from a beautiful hike and almost
always head straight to my writing cave.
19. Is there anything you’d like
to say to your fans?
love you all to pieces! Thank you so much
for making my dreams come true, and changing my life.