My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Bianca and James...my, my, what a relationship! Imagine knowing each other a week and being swept into a world you know nothing about, but was very curious to learn. Bianca a 23 year old virgin meets billionaire James on a flight from Vegas and all hell breaks loose! Caught up in his world and trying to protect herself from her last, Bianca gives in to the unknown of BDSM and well..she likes it. How quickly things change when this very "physical" relationship becomes very much emotional as well. James who's never really had a serious relationship is shocked himself how much he feels for Bianca. Being orphaned so young and abused by a relative has made James the man he is now. Bianca has seemed to bring out another side of him that he's not used too. Fast forward a bit and Bianca is at James apartment and walks to the kitchen to hear voices and to her surprise a beautiful blond and a housekeeper are chatting on about James and how they are so right for each other..Bianca is ill and runs out. Not speaking to James, she then finds comfort in Stephan of course. An emotional wreck Bianca lets her guard down and is attacked by the one person she wasn't expecting at all..her abusive father! After waking in the hospital 3 days later after the attack with James by her side and with all her might she wants to forgive him for being with Jules (the woman in his kitchen) she just can't yet. Hopefully they will see their way through their pasts that still haunt them and see what's in front of them..love..moving on to book 2 Mile High..lets see where this trip takes us next.
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