My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I liked the continuation of this story. I'm not crazy about their fetishes in particular the choking scene at the spa, whic to me was very disturbing and had to push passed it... I'm glad I did, because all and all it's a pretty good story. Finally caving in to James and letting him take care of her, Bianca realizes how much she has come to depend on James' love and affection. It's a drug to her, when he withholds it, she's ready to go mad with frustration. The day finally comes when Bianca tells james all about her father and what really happened to her mother and she feels even closer to him now. Their trip to Wyoming is one of many surprises he has for her..having clothes, a art studio and everything else she needs or wants, he just keeps chipping away at her hardened heart. I gotta say, I'm getting a little annoyed with all the implied "I love yous" but never really saying it..Just spit it out already..dang! So fast forward after the trip to Wyoming, back in Vegas with 24 hour security, Bianca gets a visitor from her dad's new Wife,Sharon. She just wants to give bianca a letter, but security is giving her a hard time, finally she takes it and Sharon rushes to her car..reading it, she finds out she has a half brother Sven..Hmm, could these be Stephen, her best friends since they were 14? Sorry, but its what I'm thinking. This book certainly keeps your interest. So many turns, so many emotions. It leaves off with yet another cliff hanger...Sharon has turned up dead! Will they get the SOB finally, or will he elude the police all together? I'll will certainly find out..Stay tuned for my review of Grounded, Book 3!
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